Pregnancy After Infertility Series

Our Pregnancy After Infertility Series is a six week series designed for women who experienced primary or secondary infertility and are currently pregnant. This series is led by our instructors, in conjunction with experts in the field to help you navigate the unique challenges of having a child after/during infertility.

pregnancy after infertility support

Series Details

Once a week virtual Zoom sessions for 1.5 hours


Join Our Interest List


Interested in our Pregnancy After Infertility Class Series? Click the button below to submit your name and email and we will let you know when we have enough attendees to schedule this series.

Maximum 15 women in each group. Ten attendee minimum.

Topics Covered

Infertile Mom Sisterhood

Meeting other women at this stage of infertility and hearing their stories is such an important part of surviving this next season of your life. Motherhood is hard enough, throw infertility in the mix, and it’s even more complicated. Only those that experience this, know it. Come meet them and love on each other.

Your Motherhood Identity

From the moment you find out you are pregnant you may feel like you are in some sort of identity crisis. After baby comes, these feels can exacerbate tenfold. Who am I now? What happened to the old me? Do I even exist anymore outside of being a mom? Feeling lost in motherhood is normal and we are here to help!

PPA/PPD & Cultivating A Support Network

While Postpartum Depression (PPD) and Postpartum Anxiety (PPA) are common for new moms, they are even more common for those of us that struggled with infertility. We’ll talk about the signs and symptoms of PPD/PPA, ways to cope and the importance of having a support network - and how to create one.

Relationships After Baby

There are a lot of things that can change after a baby and your relationships - with your partner, your family, your friends - are at the top of that list. We’ll discuss how all these relationships may be effected and how to navigate them, all while adjusting to your motherhood role.

Mothering Yourself

Motherhood seems like it comes with a never ending mental checklist of “to-dos” from chores, work, maintaining a relationship all on top of raising a child. Burn out, guilt and stress can feel overwhelming and sometimes the importance of taking care of yourself can get lost. We will talk about how to take care of your mental, physical and emotional states so you can be your best self in motherhood and move forward confidently.

Guest Speakers

Desirae Whittle

Birth Doula & Mother after Unexplained Infertility

Erin Bulcao

Mother after Infertility

Dr. Loree Johnson