In need of support? We are proud to offer two great options based on your current needs. Choose a class series below or sign up for our community membership.

Learn more about each option below

motherhood support group

Virtual Classes

Our virtual classes are led over a series of six weeks each week being a different topic, broken out by journey so that you are in the safest place to share possible. Classes are conducted over zoom in a safe, nonjudgmental environment. We bring in the best experts in the field, allow time for sharing and reflecting and provide tools to get you through your infertility journey, no matter what stage you are in.

  • One cohort per series - form deep connections with other women on similar journeys as you learn and share together every week.

  • Learn from trusted experts live - each session features a different, relevant and helpful topic.

  • Specific series designed for all different types of infertility journeys so you can find a program that works best for you.

Community Membership

Joining our community membership gives you access to our private network, a safe space to connect with other women in our Infertility Unfiltered community along with access to resources to help you on your journey.

  • Access to private virtual community - easily connect with others by journey stage or location

  • Monthly virtual peer-led support sessions

  • Monthly virtual expert-led educational sessions

  • Access to recordings of audio/video content and exclusive resources

  • Members-only discount on virtual courses & support series